quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

Contraceptivos Naturais

Natural Birth Control

" Neem has been shown to be a powerful, relatively inexpensive birth control agent for both men and women. In the 1st century B.C. Charaka, The Indian physician, gave a detailed method for using neem for contraception. Cotton soaked in neem oil was kept in vagina for 15 minutes before intercourse, this killed the sperm.
Trials shown neem extract reduces fertility in male monkeys without inhibiting libido or sperm production. Also, in another Indian studies, neem leaf tablets taken for one month, produced reversible male infertility but did not affect sperm production or libido. This shows promise as the first male birth control pill.
In another study, members of the Indian army were tested with neem's birth control effects. twenty married men took daily oral doses of several drops of neem seed oil in gelatin capsules. It remained effective during the entire year of the trial, and was only reversed six weeks after men no longer took the capsules. The men experienced no adverse side effects and retained their normal capabilities and desires. No women became pregnant during this period. This product is now offered in stores under the name "Sensal".
It appears that a tiny amount of neem oil injected in the vas deferens might be able to provide up to 8 months of birth control. Tests inthis area revealed no obstructions, no change in testosterone production, and no anti sperm antibodies. The local lymph nodes revealed an increased ability to respond to infections, indicating an immune response that might be responsible for the birth control effect.
Neem's contraceptive uses for women are even more varied. Even the leaves are said to be effective. Many women in Madagascar chew a handful of neem leaves everyday, which according to their statements, prevents pregnancies. In the case of unwanted pregnancies is said to be capable of inducing miscarriage.
Neem oil based vaginal creams and suppositories are extremely popular in India. Non irritating and easy to use, they are almost 100% effective. When tested against human sperm, neem extract (sodium nimbidinate) at 1000 mg was able to kill all sperm in 5 minutes and required only 30 minutes at a lower dosage of 250 mg.
Several years of study in India by leading scientists resulted in a neem based polyherbal vaginal cream with both spermicidal and antimicrobial action. The studies proved that neem oil killed sperm in the vagina within the vagina within 30 seconds and was effective up to 5 hours. Neem oil, when used in the vagina, seems to increase the antigen presenting ability of the uterine tract. This apparently has a direct spermicidal effect without known side effects. The cream contains 25% neem seed extract along with extracts from the soap nut and from quinine hydrochloride. Based on these experiments, a neem based contraceptive cream was developed by an Indian pharmaceutical company. It tested to be safer and easier to use than chemical based foams and gels, was nearly 100% effective, and was used more frequently than the alternatives. Its effect does not appear to be hormonal and the product is considered a safe alternative o other methods that employ hormones."

Extracted from the book: "Neem - India's Miraculous Healing Plant. Ellen Norten. Healing Arts Press Rochester, Vermont."

Please do make research on this theme, i just found interesting and helpful to share!